Secure Undergraduate Scholarships in Nigeria

I believe you will agree with me that school is expensive, and these outrageous school expenses can be distressful and frustrating to students, especially if you are from a middle or low-class family. Thankfully, there are individuals and organizations willing to sponsor indigent and qualified students. In this video, I’ll be sharing five tips that will increase your chances of getting multiple undergraduate scholarships in Nigeria.

Tip 1: Have an Excellent All-Level Result

If you are watching this and you are probably in your secondary school or you’ve not yet taken your WAEC (West African Examination Council) exam, I’m going to advise you to try as much as you can to get an excellent result. Having A’s and B’s in your results is very useful.

In 2018, NLNG awarded scholarships based on all-level results, WAEC results, and UTME (Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination) results without any interview or exam. It was just based on their WAEC and UTME results, and the recipients were paid a substantial amount every year. Imagine getting such financial support; it’s incredibly motivating to maintain a great GPA throughout your university years.

undergraduate scholarship

Tip 2: Apply for Many Scholarships

There are numerous scholarships available for students, and one common mistake is not applying for enough of them. Most of these applications are straightforward and cost you nothing. You only need to scan your results and upload them to their respective websites. The more you apply, the greater your chances of receiving a scholarship.

Some scholarships to look out for, especially if you are a medical or engineering student, include AGIP/NNPC, NLNG, TOTAL, and more. You can find comprehensive lists of undergraduate scholarships on websites dedicated to scholarship information.

Tip 3: Improve Your Essay Writing Skills

Apart from academic achievements, scholarship essays can be a significant source of financial aid. If you have excellent essay-writing skills, you can participate in essay competitions that offer substantial rewards. Some competitions can award you with as much as 500,000 Naira or more.

To excel in essay writing, practice is key. In one of my subsequent videos, I’ll invite a classmate who has won numerous essay competitions to share his secrets. Additionally, you should work on improving your quantitative and verbal reasoning skills, as some scholarships may include exams that test these abilities.

Tip 4: Work on Your CGPA

Your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) matters a lot in your second year if you want to apply for more scholarships. Some scholarships consider CGPA as a crucial factor in their selection process. To boost your CGPA, follow the strategies outlined in my article on how to excel in your first year of university, which I’ve linked in the description below.

For scholarships that involve interviews, it’s essential to learn interview etiquette. Dress appropriately, be punctual, and research the sponsoring organization thoroughly. These little details can make a significant difference in your interview performance.

Tip 5: Don’t Get Discouraged

Even after applying for numerous scholarships and putting in your best effort, it’s possible not to get selected for some of them. Rejections can be disheartening, but it’s crucial not to feel dejected. Scholarships are competitive, and many factors influence the selection process.

Remember that there are alternative ways to support your education and make money. As mentioned earlier, essay writing can be a lucrative venture, and you can also explore business opportunities.


In conclusion, securing undergraduate scholarships in Nigeria is attainable if you follow these tips diligently. Having excellent academic results, applying for as many scholarships as possible, improving your essay writing skills, maintaining a high CGPA, and not getting discouraged in the face of rejection are key to increasing your chances of financial assistance for your education.

Remember, scholarships are not solely about grades; they also reflect your determination and commitment to your academic journey. So, keep striving for excellence, and you may just find the support you need to achieve your educational goals.

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