Best Ideas to Start with Little Money in Nigeria 2024

There are many small businesses that can be started with little capital in Nigeria. If you are looking for the best business to begin with minimal funding, this article provides a list of ideas that do not require a large amount of capital to start. These opportunities are perfect for small business entrepreneurs who want to own their own businesses with a limited budget. Starting one of these businesses requires a good business plan, research, and a small amount of capital to get started. However, it is essential to note that running a successful business requires time and careful planning. Here are some online business ideas, with the potential to make money How to Make Money Online as a Nigerian Student.

Digital Marketing Business

As technology advances, digital marketing has become a lucrative business worldwide. Starting a digital marketing business doesn’t require a large amount of capital; all you need is a good marketing strategy and the ability to identify your target customers.

The use of digital marketing, such as the social media and email, has become increasingly prevalent in marketing efforts. This includes not only social media and web-based advertising, but also the use of text and multimedia messages as a marketing strategy. As consumers continue to embrace online communication, it is important for businesses to adapt and utilize these channels to reach their target audience.

digital marketing

Computer Center/cyber cafe Business

This business provides internet access to customers and has become a popular destination for people to browse the web. To start a computer center business, you will need a few computers, an internet connection, a printer, chairs, and a suitable location.

Food Delivery Business

food delivery

If you love cooking, starting a food delivery business is a great way to showcase your culinary skills. This business can be run from the comfort of your home and doesn’t require a physical storefront.

Food is essential for human growth and development, and it provides the nutrients that give us energy and help build our bodies.

In a country with a large working-class population, such as Nigeria, many people do not have the time or energy to cook for themselves during the week. This makes food delivery a lucrative business opportunity for entrepreneurs.

In Lagos, a state with a population of over 20 million people, the busy and hectic lifestyle of residents makes food delivery an even more appealing option. With many people leaving for work as early as 4:00 a.m. and not returning home until late at night due to traffic, they often do not have the time to go out and get something to eat.

As a smart entrepreneur, you can capitalize on this demand and make a profit of up to 200,000 Naira per month through a food delivery service.

Starting a food delivery service in Nigeria is relatively simple and inexpensive, with a start-up cost of around N50,000 for food preparation. The first step is to:

  1. Find a location in a metropolitan area with high traffic and a good reputation.
  2. Next, register your business name and obtain a license from the health department or local government.
  3. Advertising your business through various channels, such as online and through fliers, is crucial to reaching potential customers.
  4. Make sure to set affordable prices and create a website for online ordering.
  5. As your business grows, consider hiring staff, such as delivery drivers, and be prepared to expand to other areas.

It is important to provide excellent customer service, including prompt delivery and a friendly attitude, to keep customers happy and ensure the success of your business.

Bakery Business


A bakery business is a great opportunity for those who enjoy baking and designing delicious cakes and other baked goods. To start a bakery, you will need a business plan and the passion to create tasty treats.

To maximize profit in a bakery business, it’s important to carefully consider what products to sell, determine appropriate pricing based on cost and market demand, control expenses through cost-effective ingredient sourcing and marketing strategies, and regularly assess the success of these efforts.

By considering these factors and continuously making adjustments, a bakery can increase its revenue and minimize expenses to achieve a higher profit margin.

Event Planning Business

Many people hire event planners to handle the organization of events such as birthdays, weddings, and parties. If you have a talent for planning and organizing events, starting an event planning business could be a good fit for you.

event planning

The event planning industry has seen significant growth in recent years, with the global market valued at over $1 trillion in 2018 and projected to reach $2.3 trillion by 2026. Nigeria’s event planning industry is also thriving, with an estimated value of $20 billion and thousands of events held annually. These events range from social gatherings like “owambes” to corporate events like product launches and press conferences.

To start a successful event planning business in Nigeria, it’s important to consider factors such as budget, target audience, quality equipment, and catering services. It’s also essential to have attention to detail and the ability to anticipate and prevent potential issues.

Opportunities in the industry include event space or venue management, event decoration and design, event catering, event entertainment, and event photography and videography. To succeed in the competitive event planning market, it’s important to have a strong marketing strategy and to continuously improve and innovate.

Electrical Appliance Repair Business

This business is ideal for engineers or electricians who can diagnose and fix electrical faults. Starting an electrical appliance repair business doesn’t require a physical storefront; you can use a small space in your home as a workshop.

Foodstuff Vendor Business

Selling foodstuff in the market is a good business to start with little capital. As people need to buy food every day, this business has the potential for steady sales.

Starting a foodstuff business in Nigeria can be a lucrative and successful venture, as there is always a demand for food in the country. To start this business, you will need capital to purchase food items, rent a shop or location to sell, and possibly hire workers to help with sales.

It is important to choose a good location for your shop, as well as display your items attractively to draw in customers. Proper management of perishable items and understanding where to buy foodstuff at the best prices can help ensure the success of your business.

In addition, providing excellent customer service and building a loyal customer base can also contribute to the success of your foodstuff business.

Phone Accessories Business

phone accessories business

Phone accessories are in high demand, making this a potentially lucrative business. To start, you will need a small selection of phone cases, chargers, and other accessories to sell.

Phone accessory businesses are often considered daily income businesses because they generate sales on a daily basis, even if it’s just one earpiece. These businesses can be started by anyone and are profitable because they move quickly. It’s easy to start a phone accessory business in Nigeria, but it’s important to understand the business and the steps needed to be successful.

To start a phone accessory business in Nigeria, you will need to consider your target market, research your competition, and determine your budget. You can start a small-scale business for under 100,000 Naira or a large-scale business for 500,000 Naira or more, depending on the type of accessories you want to sell.

Phone accessory businesses are profitable in Nigeria due to the high-profit margins, which can range from 30% to 100%. To succeed in this business, it’s important to find reliable suppliers, offer good customer service, and continuously expand your product offerings.

Rental Services Business

Rental businesses can be lucrative ventures in Nigeria, as there is a constant demand for party and event rentals. These rentals can include chairs, tables, catering equipment, video cameras, mobile toilets, generators, and wedding gowns. Starting a party rental business has low overhead costs and can be run as a home-based business on a part-time basis. It can also be expanded to offer additional party-related services such as event planning.

To start a rental business in Nigeria, it is important to research your competition and determine your target market. You should also establish a budget and find reliable suppliers. It is also helpful to offer good customer service and continuously expand your product offerings. By following these steps, you can successfully start and run a profitable rental business in Nigeria.

Photography Business

If you have a passion for photography, you can start a business offering your services to capture special events or create marketing materials for companies.


To learn the steps by step guide to starting a professional photography business in Nigeria, Read this article on How to start a photo studio business in Nigeria.

Provision Store Business

provision store

A provision store is a small retail shop that sells a variety of everyday household items. To start this business, you will need a selection of products to sell and a suitable location. We suggest you read HOW TO START PHOTO STUDIO BUSINESS IN NIGERIA for full insight and knowledge.

Content Creation Services

With the rise of social media and the importance of online marketing, businesses are increasingly seeking content creators to produce high-quality written and visual materials. Read about the Proven Tips for Effective Content Marketing in Nigeria

Starting a business with limited funds can be a challenge, but it is possible to find creative and effective ways to get your business off the ground.

By considering the unique skills and resources you have available, you can find a business idea that suits your interests and meets the needs of your target market. Whether you are interested in digital marketing, event planning, or food delivery, there are many business ideas to choose from that can be started with little money in Nigeria.

With hard work, determination, and a good business plan, you can turn your small business into a success.

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