Fully funded scholarships for African students to study at the University of Cambridge

The Cambridge Africa Scholarships are fully-funded scholarships for African students to pursue master’s degrees at the University of Cambridge. The scholarships are open to students from all African countries, except for those who are applying for business courses such as the Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Corporate Law (MCL), and Master of Finance (MFin).The scholarships are designed to provide talented students from Africa with the opportunity to pursue their master’s studies at one of the world’s leading universities. The scholarships cover the full cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses.To be eligible for a Cambridge Africa Scholarship, students must:

  • Be citizens of an African country
  • Be applying for a master’s course of up to one year at the University of Cambridge
  • Have a strong academic record

Demonstrate a commitment to contributing to climate-resilient and sustainable futures for AfricaIn addition to the academic and financial support provided by the scholarships, Cambridge Africa Scholars also have the opportunity to participate in a number of enrichment activities, including leadership training, networking events, and community service projects.The Cambridge Africa Scholarships are a valuable opportunity for African students to pursue their master’s studies at the University of Cambridge. The scholarships provide students with the financial support and academic resources they need to succeed, and they also offer students the chance to develop their leadership skills and make a difference in their communities.

How to apply for a Cambridge Africa Scholarship

To apply for a Cambridge Africa Scholarship, students must submit an application to the University of Cambridge and a supplementary statement that indicates their personal commitment to contributing to climate-resilient and sustainable futures for Africa.The deadline for submitting applications for funding is the 5th of December 2023 for courses with a 5th of December deadline and the 5th of January 2024 for courses with a 5th of January deadline.

Additional information

The Cambridge Africa Scholarships are a prestigious program that has supported thousands of African students to pursue their master’s studies at the University of Cambridge. The scholarships are highly competitive, but all eligible students are encouraged to apply.For more information about the Cambridge Africa Scholarships, please visit the University of Cambridge website.

Why apply for a Cambridge Africa Scholarship?

There are many reasons why you should apply for a Cambridge Africa Scholarship. Here are just a few:

  • The scholarships are fully funded, covering the full cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses.
  • You will have the opportunity to study at one of the world’s leading universities.
  • You will be part of a diverse and supportive community of scholars from all over Africa.
  • You will have the opportunity to develop your leadership skills and make a difference in your community.

If you are a talented African student who is passionate about making a difference in the world, I encourage you to apply for a Cambridge Africa Scholarship.
Interested African students can apply here.

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