9 Smart Ways To Have A Successful Service Year “NYSC”

Hey there, all you fresh NYSC corps members! Congratulations on this exciting journey you’re embarking upon. You should definitely be patting yourselves on the back for this achievement. I’ve got some useful tips to make your time in service smoother and more rewarding, both for those of you currently serving and those prospective corps members gearing up for this noble endeavor.

Pic.16. Gov. Muhammed Abubukar of Bauchi State inspects a Guard of Honour mounted by the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) 2018 Batch ‘B’ members during their swearing-in ceremony at Ganjuwa in Bauchi State on Thursday (26/7/18). 04031/26/7/2018/Deji Yake/BJO/NAN

Cut Down on Unnecessary Travels

Now, I get it. Some of you might find your service locations a bit dull, and the temptation to travel can be strong. But think about this: our roads are often perilous, and accidents are a real risk. So, before you pack your bags, consider the safety of your future and the peace of mind of your loved ones. If you must travel, ensure you have official permission. Safety first!

Participate Actively in Group CDS

Here’s a nugget of wisdom: active participation in Community Development Service (CDS) is a key requirement for receiving your Certificate of National Service (CNS). Weekly CDS sessions are mandatory for a reason. Skipping them can lead to penalties like extended service or delayed allowances. So, show up and contribute to your community!

Embrace the Local Culture

The NYSC’s goal is to foster national unity, and part of that involves immersing yourself in your host community’s culture and traditions. Learn their language, understand their customs, and respect their norms. It’s all about building bridges and avoiding cultural clashes.

Develop a New Skill

In today’s tough job market, having an extra skill can be a game-changer. Take advantage of the Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) program during your service. You’ll have the chance to learn a valuable skill and maybe even kickstart your entrepreneurial journey. Don’t rely solely on your degree; diversify your skills!

Build Your Network

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Network with fellow corps members, community members, potential employers, and relevant groups. These connections could open doors to future opportunities, be it a job, a business venture, or meaningful relationships. It’s not just what you know; it’s who you know.

Save Smart, Dream Big

Even if your allowance seems meager, start saving a portion of it. You’d be surprised how those savings can add up. Think big about how you can use that money for business ventures or personal projects. Every little bit counts, so don’t underestimate the power of saving.

Lead Community Development Projects

Want to stand out and earn accolades? Identify a community need, propose a project to address it, get approval from NYSC, mobilize the community, and make it happen. Corps members who take initiative in these personal Community Development Service (CDS) projects often receive awards and recognition. Who knows, you might just earn yourself a scholarship or a prestigious honor!

Excel at Your Primary Assignment

Your primary assignment is a crucial aspect of your service year. To thrive, be punctual, diligent, and dedicated. Your allowances and the possibility of being retained or passing out on time often depend on your performance and your employer’s endorsement.

Prioritize Your Safety

In these uncertain times, your safety should be a top priority. Avoid unnecessary night outings, choose your company wisely, and dress sensibly. Wearing your uniform when you go out can help identify you easily. Remember, the best security is often the security you provide for yourself.

So there you have it, some friendly advice to make your NYSC experience fulfilling and safe. Embrace this opportunity, make the most of it, and emerge from your service year stronger and wiser. Best of luck on this incredible journey!

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