Amazing Citadels of Learning in Adamawa

Adamawa was created out of Gongola State on 27th August, 1991 as one of the nine new states created by the Federal Military Government. It is located in the North Eastern part of the country. Prior to its creation in 1991, it was part of the North Eastern State from 1967 to February 1976 and Gongola State 1976 – 1991. The State shares border with Gombe State to the North, and Borno State to the North East, while to the West it is bordered with Taraba State as well as the Republic of Cameroon to the East.

There are over 80 ethnic groups found in Adamawa State. Some of the ethnic groups include: Fulani, Verre, Chamba, Lilba, Kwah, Waja, Tambo, Libo Mwama, Kilba, Viengo and others.

The people of Adamawa, are noted for its rich cultural heritage which reflects in its history, i.e. dances, dress patterns, craftsmanship, music, and her cordial relationships. The three main religions are Islam, Christianity and Traditionalism

Do you need info about the universities in Adamawa state? Then you’re at the right place.

Adamawa is a state in northeastern Nigeria, and the capital is Yola. The name “Adamawa” came from the founder of the kingdom, Modibo Adama, a regional leader of the Fulani Jihad.

There are 3 Universities in Adamawa state; Adamawa State University, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, and American University of Nigeria.

Adamawa State University, Mubi

Adamawa State University, Mubi is the first State Government owned University in the North East sub-region of Nigeria. It was established in 2002. The university offers Remedial Program (for a year), undergraduate and post-graduate studies. Visit Adamawa State University( to learn more about Adamawa State University.
There are 3 Faculties in Adamawa State University

  • Faculty of Agriculture
  • Faculty of Science and Science Education
  • Faculty of Arts, Social and Management Sciences

Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola

Federal University of Technology Yola now known as Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, is a research intensive university located in Girei, Adamawa. The university offers associate’s, bachelor’s (Undergraduate studies), master’s, and PhD degrees.
Modibbo Adama University of technology has 7 schools, namely;

  • School of General Studies
  • School of Agriculture
  • School of Management and Information Technology
  • School of Environmental Sciences
  • School of Life Sciences
  • School of Technology and Sciences
  • School of Physical Sciences

American University of Nigeria (AUN)

AUN is a private university in northeastern Nigeria, founded in 2004 and it offers the American style of higher education programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels .
The American university of Nigeria has 5 six schools, and they are listed below;

  • School of Arts and Sciences
  • School of Business & Entrepreneurship
  • School of Law School of Engineering
  • School of Information Technology & Communications
  • School of Law

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